Pat's Critter Sitter's
3005 Calle San Ysidro NW
Albuquerque, NM 87107

Bird Sitter Serving Corrales & Albuquerque, New Mexico


Bird Care

Aren't birds beautiful with their vibrant feathers and elegant wing movements? Of course. They’re also very intelligent, with sharp minds and excellent communication skills. Since birds are naturally social and in dire need of endless affection, daily interaction and conducted exercise are both fundamental in developing their overall mental and physical well-being. Their lists of requirements do not end there, and extend to include other elements such as appropriate feeding, careful grooming and mindful housing. Taking in a bird is a serious commitment, and for that reason, you must not decide to do so on a whim. It is imperative that you take the time to research, become familiar with the different types of bird species and discover which would work with your particular situation. There may be people in your area, such as breeders or sales associates at your local pet store, who can answer any questions you may have.


It is absolutely necessary to be aware of what birds can and can not eat. There are certain foods that may not be appropriate for some species of birds. Obviously, there are also numerous toxic foods that no bird should ever eat such as chocolate, caffeine and avocado. Even with all of that in mind, you should fully acknowledge that birds are not able to receive proper nutrition on just seeds alone. They depend on you to feed them a healthy variety of foods including fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains.

As they become dehydrated rather quickly, it is vital that birds always have access to clean and fresh water. Always ensure that their water bowl, as well as their food bowl, are kept above their cage perches to avoid droppings inside of them. Some birds dip their food in water, and you don’t want contamination or bacteria to be an issue here. You may have to clean their food and water containers at least twice a day.


Thanks to your extensive bird research, you should now know whether your bird’s feathers require routine grooming. If you choose to hire a groomer, make sure that they have the experience to handle your bird as it truly is a delicate task. Trimming is never meant to completely prohibit your bird from flying, and in most cases, only their primary flight feathers need to be tended to. Regular toenail trimming may be necessary, but this is more common in large adult birds. (Baby or smaller adult birds rely more on their toenails to balance on their perches). Consult your veterinarian or call up your groomer if you have any questions or concerns. Doing so will thwart any kind of toenail damage or bleeding.

Water should be served to your bird in a bowl that is big enough for them to rinse themselves in. Since birds will freshen up in their water container, you must be mindful of the water temperature. Additionally, birds can be sprayed with mist from a water bottle. This acts as a “shower” and can be quite enjoyable for them. It is true that birds can be very messy, but with the right items, they can at least contribute to their own hygiene.


Another factor in caring for your bird is selecting a proper cage. The extent of your bird’s cage should be reflective of the size and species. It’s a good idea to purchase a crate large enough to enable your bird to able to fly around and stretch wings in their entirety within. This is very important, especially if you are not home often enough to take your feathery friend out for a normal amount of exercise. Furthermore, be sure to keep your bird’s haven tidy at all times! Owners generally keep old newspapers or magazines at the bottom of the cage to make cleaning an easier task. Every bird needs their own personal space to act as their sanctuary, so multiple birds equal larger cages.

Speaking of multiple birds… It is a well known fact that birds are social creatures, and most species prefer to have a friend, buddy or companion bird as to not be lonely. However, before entertaining the thought of getting more than one bird, please be cognizant of all possible housing preparations. Birds are friendly, but not all species get along. There are special techniques that must be followed when bringing a new bird into a cage with an existing one.

Most of the mentioned guidelines and tips have only referred to a bird inside their cage. Sadly, some people will treat their birds as just a caged animal. This can lead to feelings of deprivation and depression in your bird. Plenty of effort must be put into training prior to letting your bird fly around the house or yard. When trained correctly, your bird can make wise choices when coming out of its cage. When you let your bird out to fly free, make sure that certain hazards are covered or removed before letting your bird out of its cage. Hazards can include, but are not limited to, anything that your bird can fly into or get stuck in. Our feathered companions also have extremely delicate respiratory systems. Thus, whether they are in or out of their cage, remain conscientious of the fumes your household chemicals could be giving off.

Big Or Small, I Care For Them All!

Pat's Critter Sitter's
3005 Calle San Ysidro NW
Albuquerque, NM 87107

© 2023 Pat's Critter Sitter's