Pat's Critter Sitter's
3005 Calle San Ysidro NW
Albuquerque, NM 87107

Small Pet Sitter Serving Corrales, & Albuquerque, New Mexico


Small Pet Care

Caring for your small pet such as a hamster, mouse or rabbit can be challenging and time consuming, and certain steps are necessary to see that your small pet is well taken care of and happy. Consult a licensed veterinarian about what to feed your small pet as well as what they need for recreation activities to keep them entertained and exercised. It is important to take your small pet out of their cages daily in order for them to be able to roam in your room and so you can bond better with your pet.


Caring for a small pet, such as a guinea pig, ferret or rabbit, can be great and enjoyable! As fun as owning a miniature animal can be, it is also challenging and time-consuming. Determining exactly what your little buddy needs will lead to a very long and happy life. Small pets are just like all other pets in that they ought to be fed and watered each and every day. Generally speaking, most of our tiny friends can appreciate a hearty salad. Others will need an assortment of foods in their diets, including vegetables, hay and fruits. Since there is a vast selection of food on the market, it may be a task to find the perfect chow for your companion. Currently, commercial pellet food is the preferred choice for smaller animals such as mice and hamsters.

Make sure that your undersized pet is never dehydrated! Most owners guarantee that by placing a water bottle on the side of the cage. Since small pets tend to make a mess in water bowls, a bottle is just more convenient. It’s also easier to manage because you will only have to refill the bottle regularly, as opposed to taking out the water bowl to clean, sanitize and refill it. To ensure your small fry does not get eager and chew up the water bottle, it must be replenished at all times.

Rodents truly enjoy nibbling on their snacks. It’s a good idea to keep treat sticks or chews on hand at all times. These will satisfy their snack cravings, as well as keep their teeth strong and healthy. Another nifty item to have available for your petite pal is called a “mineral wheel,” which provides key nutrients. It can be fun to spoil your pet with the many attainable goodies, but do not overfeed your pint-sized playmate. Consult a licensed veterinarian or your local pet store associate about what to feed your small pet.


Our tiny friends need regular exercise and activity in their lives as well. Gnawing is a favored activity of many small animals. The great news is that they are not only having fun while engaging in this, but it also trims their teeth. In turn, it is much easier for them to chew their food. Toys made for gnawing are made in many forms, such as edible and wooden. Owners should be aware that if their pets do not have toys around to bite on, they will begin to chomp on anything accessible like food bowls and their cage.

Our scaled-down sidekicks, like mice and hamsters, also take pleasure in scampering around. An ideal gift for these little guys would be an exercise wheel! When it comes to some small pets, an exercise wheel is more of a necessity than a luxury. Therefore, you must always make thoughtful choices in purchasing wheels and other exercise accessories. For example, if your pet has a long tail, it can possibly get caught or entangled in a wheel made of wire. Since your bitty comrades can actually overexert themselves, be mindful of how long they are participating in high intensity level exercises like this.

In addition to gnawing and scampering, burrowing and tunneling are also common small animal activities. Luckily, tunnels and hideouts should be available and plentiful at your local pet store. Moreover, investing in a harness or leash may not be a bad idea if you wish to walk your small pet. Unfortunately, some of our little buddies are just too teeny to be harnessed or too rowdy to be leashed. On the other hand, some will do great and enjoy it immensely! Take the time to learn which types of recreation your companion enjoys taking part in.


When you first bring your pee-wee home, you may need to give them a day or two to adapt to their new spot. Be careful to not force them into anything that might make them feel uneasy or scared. You should exercise caution when letting children play with small animals. If they happen to hide from you or your youngsters, let them be. They will reemerge when ready!

Whether they need an adjustment period or not, a comfortable cage or hutch should still be set up for your peanut. Of course, the research must first be done to see what is the right fit for your particular fur baby. These pets can be as mischievous as they are tiny! Make yourself aware of this and the fact that they may attempt to escape their cage. Therefore, it is your job to secure their cage so it is inescapable. It may seem funny or cute that these animals tend to be escape artists, but they are way too small to be out on their own when no one is there to safeguard them.

Bedding and litter both aid in removing bad odors and absorbing waste, and is necessary for most small animal cages. It must be switched out regularly, and defecation must be scooped out daily. Some litters or bedding can irritate your little buddy’s skin or respiratory system, which means that it is your job to evaluate what is safe and best suited for your pet.

Big Or Small, I Care For Them All!

Pat's Critter Sitter's
3005 Calle San Ysidro NW
Albuquerque, NM 87107

© 2023 Pat's Critter Sitter's